
Some call me a monster, some a lover of evil, and others, the devil himself, but they’re all wrong. I’m a criminal’s worst nightmare.

Most people run from darkness, but I live in it, require it, and thrive in the night. For the guilty I’m a shadow. I speak for the innocent when no one else will. Once I mark you, your time has run out…

Revenge is the ultimate wage for evil. Some just can’t stomach to do it themselves. That’s where I come in. I am the ultimate judge when called upon for justice. I will decide who lives and who dies. Blood may be on my hands, but it’s not the blood of the innocent. Remorse is nowhere to be found. I don’t give a shit if you understand. I can live with the man I look at every day in the mirror. My soul was tainted the day I was conceived. You think you know me? You have no fucking idea. I am who I am because of what they did to her, and to him. They were my family. This is the only form of restitution he believed in. I owe him everything.

His only heir—I took over the empire he built. This is how I repay him. He had one rule: shut off all emotions. Numb and heartless are the only two ways to live.

What I never included in the plan…was her.

Being in the wrong place at the right time can be terrifying, but it can also be exactly what is supposed to happen, because sometimes…love is born in the dark.

Please note: This is dark romance. If you do not like dark themes this book may not be for you. 18+ due to graphic content.